Digital Logic

These bits perform various digital logic functions.

NOTE: The official name for bits with an orange color is WIRE

AND (aka Double AND)

AND bit

It outputs an ON signal only when input 1 AND input 2 are both receiving an ON signal.


NAND bit

It is the opposite of an AND gate, so it sends an OFF when both inputs are sending ON, and ON when an AND gate is normally sending an OFF.


OR bit

It sends an ON if one or more of the inputs sends an ON.


NOR bit

It sends an ON if and only if both inputs are sending OFF.


XOR bit

It sends an ON if the number of ON inputs is odd.


Inverter bit

It sends out the opposite of whatever it receives. For example, if it receives an ON signal, it sends an OFF signal.


Latch bit

It sends a constant output, like a switch, but when it receives a momentary input, like a button, it will switch its output. It is like a toggle.

How to Use

Hook it up after a button, turning the button into a switch.